Soft, supple, red hot lips for Valentine’s Day

shutterstock_85425565In just a few days February 2014 will be ushered in.  February is known for it’s “sweetheart” day otherwise called Valentine’s Day.  We envision hearts, cupids, Valentine cards, Roses, special chocolate treats, dinner in a luxurious environment, handsome men and beautiful women with gorgeous red, well shaped but soft and supple lips. For many women…the well shaped, pouty, soft and supple lips are a thing of the past, but they don’t have to be.  If you start now, you can have the lips of your dreams before Valentine’s Day (February 14).  Read on as I blog about Lip enhancement and other ways to restore beautiful, youthful lips now.


Lip puckering involves pursing the lips, a motion that forces formation of vertical lines above the top lip.  Along with this, loss of collagen and elastin contributes to lines, loss of lip shape and color.  This makes you look older and allows your lipstick to bleed beyond your lips.  These are contributors also:

  • Smoking (regular/frequent lip pursing)
  • Excess sun exposure
  • Poor skin care
  • Being under hydrated

These can be easily dealt with:  exfoliate away all dry skin, moisturize regularly, quit smoking, use sunscreen, get into a regular, healthy skin care routine, and stay well hydrated with at least 64oz of pure water everyday!  However, normal aging, minus the bad habits, inflicts losses in every part of the body… lips not excluded.  To get those beautiful, youthful lips back by Valentine’s Day, I offer these “hot” options.


Age related loss of collagen results in lines, mouth wrinkles, less shapely and less colorful lips.  Injectable Filler Lip enhancement is today’s top fast fix to minimize those lines and restore healthy, beautiful lips instantly, without surgery. Collagen causes facial structures to deflate and sag, hence the lines show up.  Hyaluronic Acid fillers offer dramatic results.  The results are not permanent but can be easily maintained while your body learns to regenerate it’s own collagen again.


When fixing your lips – stear clear of permanent injections and silicone; even though they may be FDA approved.  Permanent fillers often results in lumps and bumps which can require surgery to correct and silicone is permanent…so if you don’t like the outcome you just have to live with it.  You want avoid overfilling (Duck Lips) and under filling also.

HA fillers like Restylane, Juvederm and Perlane can create fuller, plumper lips.  There are two types of candidates for lip enhancement using injectables:  1) needs volume, 2) needs to balance their other facial features. Your surgeon must understand the complex facial anatomy and be specially trained as an “Expert Injector.” An Expert Injectors knows the face, the products and how to match the right treatment with each individual need.  Know before you go!  See my website for more info on Lip Augmentation/Enhancement:

ABOUT COLLAGEN…Collagen is the foundation of all connective skin tissue.  It supports the skin’s structure, thus it is essential for youthful looking skin.  As we age, the body produces less collagen causing the skin to thin, lose firmness and form wrinkles. Choose your foods for collagen generation:  organic celery, cucumbers, tropical fruits, green drinks, tomatoes, citrus fruits/smoothies and more are excellent in helping the body make collagen.

In today’s economy more people are seeking ways to cut costs. Bargain Injectable Treatments have been proven to not be bargains!  Please don’t bargain with your face.  More on that next blog.

Let’s talk about your lip enhancement right away. 

Steven Davison M.D.

All cosmetic surgery should be functional and all reconstructive surgery should be aesthetic and look as natural as possible.”

SLEEPING BEAUTY a Twilight Sleep for Painless Botox®, Juvederm, Radiesse, Sculptra and much more!


You go to sleep relaxed and comfortable and wake up Beautiful!      422034_361059640591795_1455869254_n

Many of my patients love the many age-defying procedures I can offer them today, and even though Nora and I are specially trained and certified expert injectors, there is still some discomfort with an injection, period!  My patients hate the discomfort that goes along with many of the treatments I offer, such as Juvederm, Botox, Sculptra and Radiesse injectables. There is a remedy for this too…read on.


I began offering “sleeping beauty” twilight sleep option to my patients a few years ago.  It means you are totally relaxed and comfortable during your entire procedure.

TWILIGHT SLEEP is safe, simple, painless and relaxing!

 Performed in our accredited Operating Room, Twilight sleep, or light sedation, involves an IV in the back of the hand, which puts you into a relaxed state, without the risks associated with general anesthesia.  This allows for a faster recovery since you breathe on your own during the procedure, and you can wake up quickly without that “hung over” feeling. When you wake up, like Sleeping Beauty in the Fairy Tale story…you really do feel rejuvenated and beautiful!


Now that it’s been used for a few years and is tried and proven safe and effective,  Sleeping Beauty sedation is the sedation of choice today and is used not only for injections, but for other simple cosmetic procedures as well.  Be sure to request it for your next treatment.

ANTI AGING… A PRIMARY CONCERN of GENERATION Y  shutterstock_80224243-1

It’s true, women in the United States aged 25-34 are now beginning to pay more attention to the signs of aging.  They are also actively looking for treatments and products to effectively address their concerns.  Results tell us that 39% of these women understand the importance of starting anti aging treatments early and they are doing so.  They are concerned with skin health such as spots and blotches, oily skin, dry skin and ways to correct these issues.  They also don’t like the early signs of lines and wrinkles and seek ways to prevent them.  Overall,  Gen Y women want to combat aging and are willing to start sooner rather than later.  They are seekers…we have remedies!  Generation Y men are close behind and feel cosmetic procedures are part of their normal health routine and job security.


They offer quick results with minimal downtime.  Here’s how we use them:

  • Hyaluronic acid fillers and collagen stimulators for…cheeks, temples and jawline
  • Hyaluronic acid and fat injections to correct nasolabial folds
  • Hyaluronic acid to plump the lips and restore their youthful shape and beauty
  • Neurotoxins (Botox etc) to tone down muscle activity that creates lines/wrinkles
  • Injectable fillers as wrinkle plumpers for a “liquid facelift” and natural looking results
  • Collagen stimulators (Radiesse and Sculptra) to restore long lasting volume and fullness  (often done in combo in fillers)
  • Understanding the complex facial anatomy is key to knowing what to use, how much to use and where to use it.  At DAVinci we are highly skilled and specially trained as expert injectors.   The results are beautiful!

At DAVinci, our main concern is what concerns you!  Come in and let’s chat so we can help you look and feel your very best!  You will be ready for the Holidays if you start now.

Best to you and yours,

Steven Davison M.D.   558831_562149740482783_2107121592_n

Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”


shutterstock_91754579A SERIOUS LEVEL OF SKILL IS REQUIRED TO PERFORM INJECTABLE TREATMENTS and to GET BEAUTIFUL, DESIRABLE RESULTS. These are experts and are qualified to give injectable treatments:  Board Certified Plastic Surgeons; Facial Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists or Oculoplastic Surgeons, specially trained RN’s, CRN’s or PA’s who work directly under a surgeons supervision.  The KEY WORDs to look for in their advertising is:  Specially Trained Expert Injector.   These people have specialized training, are certified in injectables of every kind and have a vast knowledge base of their best uses, the risks involved, their history and much more.

PEOPLE NOT QUALIFIED TO PERFORM INJECTABLE TREATMENTS: include aestheticians, hair stylists, cosmetologists, dentists or medical professionals who have not been specifically trained to use today’s injectables. They are not Expert Injectors.

TRUST YOUR DOCTOR’S OFFICE:  The only place you should get injectable treatments performed is in your doctor’s/surgeon’s office or Medi-Spa within that office under the physician’s direct supervision.  DO NOT GET INJECTABLES AT YOUR LOCAL SPA or SALON!  They are not qualified nor medically equipped for routine injections or for emergencies in cases of injury or health complications.  They are not required to follow medically defined sterility and health standards and they are not supervised by an on site doctor who is responsible, trained and experienced.  HTTP://

INJECTABLES DO PREVENT LINES and WRINKLES and LIFT SAGGING SKIN…Today’s injectables are truly amazing and they do achieve results either instantly or gradually and subtly.

BOTOX®  is the well known “denerving agent” used to smooth out existing lines and to prevent future ones.  FDA approved in 2002, Botox works by relaxing/paralyzing the muscles in motion that create smile lines, forehead lines, parentheses between the eyes and Botox, (Botulinum Toxin Type A) has been used therapeutically since the early 1950’s for treating spasms, uncontrollable blinking and  much more and today successfully treats chronic Migraine Headaches, excessive sweating etc. and is a leader in cosmetic anti aging treatments.

HYALURONIC ACIDS:  HA is a naturally occurring body substance that declines with aging.  Similar to a sponge, HA attracts and binds to water to keep the skin hydrated and well contoured.  Hyaluronic acid fills in the spaces between collagen and elastin fibers.  Replacing it with injectable treatments means putting back into your body a substance natural to and recognized by the body…it’s accepted, works well and restores youthfulness!  Juvederm, Perlane and Restylane are top choices to replace depleted Hyaluronic Acid.

COLLAGEN BOOSTERS:  These provide long lasting results while stimulating your own collagen production.  Sculptra offers results often lasting up to 24 months and is excellent for filling in hollow cheeks, under eye hollows, nasolabial folds, thin lips and is used in combination with Restylane e.g. to create smoothness around the eye and tear troughs. RADIESSE also is very popular as a collagen booster and provides long lasting results while your own collagen is renewed.

FAT GRAFTING/FAT INJECTIONS using your own body…when injected into targeted areas, plumps up, restores contour, fills in hollows and rejuvenates an aging face, hollow hands and more.  It’s natural, with no risk of rejection or reaction.  Results are subtle and continue over time.

BOTTOM LINE ON INJECTABLES:  We help you decide your best choices to achieve more volume, lifting, to banish lines and wrinkles and to restore a more youthful look!



Steven Davison, M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

GIVE YOURSELF A GIFT OF BEAUTY…Botox, Juvederm, Lip Augmentation etc…

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FaceLifting Injectables…the story behind this magic injection…

Injectable fillers used to be just…wrinkle fillers.  Today’s Liquid Miracles…the injectable treatments I am able to use for my patients not only immediately erase lines and grooves  but also “lift” and “contour” aging facial features and flaws for men and women.

Temples, brows, upper eyelids, undereye areas, cheeks, mouth corners and jowls are all easily treated and magically lifted.

How Do They Work?  

Injectable fillers like Radiesse work immediately by replacing volume and stimulating your own collagen renewal while attracting water to the treated area. Juvederm is used in areas requiring less structural improvement…such as under the eyes and for marionette lines. Botox is used to inhibit muscle action allowing forehead furrows to relax and smooth out and also prevents future lines and wrinkles.

Old Injectables V New Injectables

When first introduced, injectables were primarily used to fill in wrinkles.  With product advancement and refined techniques, they are used more widely with effective natural outcomes.

Aging Face…it shows

As we age, the different facial compartments “shift” and fat pads migrate downward (e.g. the cheeks) often being reabsorbed into the tissues. Constant volume loss from lifestyle, aging, illness etc, causes facial contours to change and become visible as lines, wrinkles, grooves, sagging mouth and more.

Reconstructing the face with fillers allows for the architecture (framework) of the face to be lifted, restoring the natural…youthful contours of the face.

Using today’s fillers and getting the desired natural looking and long lasting results requires specialized training, experience and skill.  I am a trained/qualified/experienced “expert injector.”

Summer Events…weddings, family reunions, family trips, class reunion, job interviews… etc… often call for Quick Fixes  Don’t despair…you have safe, effective, quick options without downtime and with results that will amaze you and dazzle the special people in your life!  See for more info.

Age Defying Facial Rejuvenation…How we do it:

  • Shape the cheeks…seamlessly shaping this area with Hyaluronic acid and long lasting fillers restores youthful contour & a refreshed, natural look 
  • Lift the Mouth…get rid of that downturned smile and look young again
  • Smooth out the jawline…to lift it before it goes too far south to redefine this part of the face
  • Open up the eyes…revolumize this area to restore that fresh, full look
  • Elevate the brows…restore volume to this sagging, sunken area
  • Define the eyes…restructure the undereye area to compensate for bone loss, fat and thinning skin

About today’s “Injectors”…

It’s true that you can walk into many spas and get Botox for example…but are you willing to risk possible bad results by having an unqualified person work on your face?  Know this:  there are over 1 million doctors allowed to perform injectables and filler treatments…in the US alone.  ONLY 3% of these are qualified to do so.  Choose wisely!

Summer fun in the sun can wreak havoc with your skin and face…we have options to correct it.  In the meantime…remember the hats, sunglasses, Obagi sunscreen, lots of cool water and shade.

Enjoy your family times…make lots of wonderful memories.

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci…have a patient centric experience in an environment where we combine the supreme elements of art & surgical science.