Youthful Looking, Aesthetically Pleasing…Ideal Profile

There are actually three views of the face: the front, side or profile, and the three-fourths view. Each view dictates a different shape and different curvature of the facial features. Regardless of a person’s favorite view of his or her face, everyone wants an attractive, profile…and one that’s a close to their ideal as possible. In brief: people want a “perfect” facial profile.

Fat can be your "Friend"...

Here’s what an ideal facial profile looks like:

  • Profile that’s straight and in tune with the rest of the face
  • Youthful looking, aesthetically pleasing profile
  • Masculine or Feminine ageless look
  • Forehead that isn’t entirely round or flat (upper face)
  • Straight nose with some concavity to it (mid face)
  • Full lip projection (lower face)
  • Well defined chin, neck, jaw line (lower face)

For those people who are unhappy with their profile, know that it can be corrected and/or enhanced. For many patients, correction is of great value to them for various reasons.

Understand first the facial thirds and your aging profile, then you can determine how to correct or enhance what you’ve got to work with.

Our “profile” changes as we age. This occurs from the top of the face down. Here’s what you are likely to experience:

  • Flattening of the forehead
  • Drooping eyebrows
  • Under eye bags and hollows
  • Loss of cheek volume & definition
  • Lines & folds around the mouth
  • Chin & neck sagging
  • Jowls & neckband formation
  • Hollowing of the temples
  • Drooping nasal tip
  • Nasal bumps & humps become pronounced

Since the facial anatomy is divided into “thirds”…the upper, midface and lower face, the goal is always to achieve balanced proportions with one another.

TODAY’S OPTIONS…include “quick fixes” that are here to stay. For those who start young enough doing the small things such as Injectable Dermal Fillers, Skin Resurfacing, Botox and others, surgery may be delayed or avoided completely. The Boomers are on it and are having all the Age Defying, Age Reversing procedures offered today…because they want to look as good as they feel. The Millennials are right behind them and consider cosmetic, anti aging treatments to be a regular part of the normal health care regimen.

For every problem listed in the bullet points (above) we have a treatment option that is age reversing and can give people the facial balance and attractiveness of their dreams.

BALANCE is the KEY! Balance among the three facial areas is the key to an attractive face with a harmonious look and good alignment.

LIPS are IN TODAY! Much focus is placed on lips today. They should be perfectly proportioned and this can be accomplished with Juvederm or another HA filler to restore volume and lip color.

WRINKLES & LINES ARE OUT! We eliminate lines, wrinkles and folds with Botox (around the eyes/forehead), Juvederm/Voluma in the cheek area (midface), Restylane and others in the lower face. See my website for more on injectables:

SPRING IS HERE and Moms, Sisters and Daughters are showing up in our office for similar treatments…since they’ve discovered that families do age the same!

ARE YOU BEACH BODY READY? Body Sculpting could be your answer. Let’s Talk now.

Best to You and Yours,


Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon



shutterstock_50309701FLAT, TIGHT, TONED, FLAB FREE…what ever your goal is for your body sculpting treatments, especially for the midsection, knowing what really works and what is not so effective makes a big difference.  There are always “myths” attached to popular procedures whether they are surgical or non surgical.  I want to cover a few of those in this blog to empower your mission in Body Sculpting, Refining, Reshaping…or whatever it may be.  Hands Down the best way to achieve a flat, toned tummy is with a surgical Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty).  Read on!

TOP TUMMY MYTHS:  1)  A Tummy Tuck can make you constipated.  Wrong!  TRUTH: When done properly, a tummy tuck should have no bearing on your digestive tract since no incisions are made near the digestive system.  The only time problems arise is if a large hernia exists in a nearby space.  If so, it should be addressed.  There is always potential for some swelling in the stomach that could temporarily affect the bowels but in most cases, after healing is complete and you are no longer wearing a compression garment, no problems should exist.   2) You can’t have a Tummy Tuck right after a C Section.  TRUTH:  You should never have a Tummy Tuck right after delivery since time is needed for swelling to resolve and extra weight to be lost.  “Too posh to push” was coined when Hollywood celebrities were electing to have C Section deliveries combined with immediate Tummy Tuck surgery.  Bad Idea!  Both surgeries are invasive and require healing time.  Also, during breast feeding hormone levels are elevated and most new moms have water weight to deal with.  Tummy Tuck surgery should be done about six months post delivery.  3)  During a Tummy Tuck the belly button is removed and a brand new one is made.  Wrong!  TRUTH:  The belly button is never removed during a Tummy Tuck, only the loose, excess skin around it is removed (excised). The belly button is attached to a “stalk” that goes deep into the stomach and cannot be removed.  The belly button may be reshaped and repositioned as excess skin is removed.  In this case, the belly button is simply pulled up through the skin once the tummy has been reshaped and excess skin and fat removed and tightening is done.  It’s the original belly button you were born with attached to the tissue stalk you were given in utero.

shutterstock_45617737TOP BREAST MYTHS:  1)  A Breast Lift is the only way to lift the breasts.  Wrong!  TRUTH:  Implants are often used if your skin is in good shape and sagging is minimal.The right implants offer a nice lift, increased breast volume and reshaping.  Surgery is needed when muscles and skin are too relaxed and stretched. Then surgery can tighten and lift muscles to where they belong, excess sagging skin can be removed and the breast lifted to a naturally beautiful position.  2)  After a breast lift, your breasts will stay perky and in a high position forever.  Wrong!  TRUTH:  Nothing is forever and just like the rest of your body, the breasts continue to age and settle even after a surgical breast lift.  However, the breast lift keeps you looking years younger.  3)  Fat Transfers to the breasts makes your breasts immune to weight changes.  Wrong!  TRUTH:  Just like the rest of your body,  the breast weight can fluctuate for life.

WHAT AGE IS TOO OLD for COSMETIC PROCEDURES?  The better question is:  When is it too late?  Sadly many people wait too long and then require invasive procedures…if they had started when younger…NON INVASIVE would work to minimize the visual effects of aging.  More on that in future blogs.

Ready for “beach time” Family Reunions, Graduations, Weddings etc.?

Let’s Talk now.

20864_132933510071077_4447800_nSteven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon


shutterstock_54896854BODY CONTOURING is a general term for Cosmetic Surgery Procedures used to reshape, resculpt or change the size, profile or parameters of the body anatomy.  Contouring employs  surgical and non surgical methods to achieve the desired results.  This blog will focus on the surgical methods that are in top demand today…such as Mommy Makeovers, Breast Augmentation and Buttocks Augmentation.  Since no two people are identical, I tailor an individualized program for each patient.  No “cookie cutter” plans here!

CAREFUL PLANNING with your SURGEON IS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE EXCELLENT, DESIRABLE RESULTS in BODY CONTOURING…to remove bulges and curves you don’t want and create curves you do want…where you want them!


  •     Considerable Weight Loss
  •      Post Pregnancy…Desire for Pre Pregnancy Body
  •    Saggy skin and skin flaps that won’t retract in spite of diet and exercise
  •      Excess fatty deposits, flab and bulges that won’t budge
  •     Out of Shape Body due to all the above
  •    Cellulite pockets causing unsightly dimples
  •   Baggy clothes…nothing fits right except baggy, saggy tops/bottoms
  •   Desire for a healthy, firm, trim body to improve self image and self confidence

WHEN IS A GOOD TIME to have BODY CONTOURING (Sculpting/Shaping) DONE?   Every person is different so times will vary, but you should be in good general health and at a stable weight (for about 6 months) in order for the chosen procedures to be safe and effective.

BODY CONTOURING…THE GOAL of all Body Contouring surgery is to achieve balanced and harmonious sculpting, by treating the body as “a whole” and never treating the body as “isolated parts.” 

BODY CONTOURING SURGERY MAY INCLUDE:  Liposuction, Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty), Body Lift, Arm Lift (Brachiaplasty), Breast Augmentation using implants, Breast Reduction and/or Breast Lift. Nose Jobs, Necklift/sculpting Eyelid/Brow Lifts, FaceLifts, Thigh Lifts, Buttocks Augmentation/Reshaping/Lifts etc. and several more procedures.  See my website for more info:

FULL BODY CONTOURING TODAY INVOLVES … Liposuction to remove isolated fat deposits to eliminate bulges on the thighs, hips and abdomen. Liposuction sculpts the body to the proper proportions and offers dramatic results that can be maintained with a healthy diet and exercise regimen. Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) to remove excess abdominal skin and fat to create a smoother, flatter tummy.  Lower Body Lift to remove excess fat and skin from the thighs, lower abs and buttocks, as well as to tighten and lift everything to resize, shape and contour this area. Breast Augmentation, Reduction and Lifts to create desirable breast size and form and Arm Lifts (Brachiaplasty) to achieve upper body balance.  Arm Lifts involve removal of excess fat and hanging, flabby skin under the arm. 

COMBINATION of PROCEDURES for BODY CONTOURING!  A combination of procedures is common to achieve each patients individual plan for Body Sculpting.  See my last two blogs for more info on methods used today.

MOMMY MAKEOVER is one of today’s Top Body Contouring/Sculpting procedures.  Watch for my next blog to get updated on Mommy MakeOvers. 

Spring is on it’s way soon…Family Reunions, Graduations, Weddings, Corporate events, and more.  Are you ready to put your “best body” forward.  If not, let’s talk now.

20864_132933510071077_4447800_nBest to You and Yours,

Steven Davison M.D.


More 2014 Hot Designer Cosmetic Treatments…Truly Age Defying!

A couple blogs ago I talked about 2014 social trends in cosmetic treatments. Please see my January blogs to catch up on those.  This blog covers actual “hot” treatments, both surgical and non surgical as well as new product.  With each passing year, we become more artistic, skilled and experienced.  Today’s plastic surgeons enjoy the benefits of being able to achieve more advanced age defying procedures/treatments that get you truly natural results.


1.  Juvederm® Voluma is making it’s “beauty debut” in 2014.  Approved late in 2013 by the FDA, this designer filler will target the cheeks or mid face region to add volume and restore fullness lost due to normal aging.  It will greatly enhance facial symmetry.

We expect more “designer” fillers to enter the US in 2014.  Will keep you up on those!

2.  Fat injections has been rising in popularity the past decade.  I really like and recommend it to my patients because it is natural (your own body fat) and it enables great results.  Fat Grafting or Fat INjections is used primarily to treat facial aging but certainly has proven safe and effective for the hands, and other areas on the body as well.

An increased interest in treatments using your own body fat has surged due to the healing and regenerative potential of “growth factors” etc found in body fat.  More on that as research progresses.  Exciting!

3.  Beautiful Lips…or the new “It” spot in beauty treatment options. Gone is the “trout pout” but here to stay is a well plumped pucker…especially for Valentine’s Day.  Overfilling the lips has been a problem, especially when performed by non expert injectors.

Today’s Fine Art of Lip Enhancement is here to stay.  With advancements in lip augmentation using techniques that work right, honed skills and experience (Expert Injectors), the Fine Art of Lip Enhancement achieves subtle, soft and kissable lips!

4.  Rhinoplasty continues to soar in popularity.  Rhinoplasty (nose surgery) is the most common surgery for both men and women under age 35.  It is the most in demand for men, period.  It is so popular that surgeons have coined it “rhino popularity” and it’s here to stay.

Rhinoplasty is a very difficult, intricate surgery.  No two noses are alike and each person has their own reason for wanting a nose job.  Injury, disease or just not liking the nose you were born with sends people in surges to plastic surgeons across the US.  See my website for detailed info on Rhinoplasty:

I’m a member of the AAFPRS- American Association of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons. This organization maintains stringent standards for members in order to protect you our patients.  I’m proud to part of this elite organization that promotes only the safest, most advanced yet proven medical options available today.  We’re here to employ our skill, artistry and expertise.  Truly, you want to trust your face only to a Facial Plastic Surgeon.

AMERICA’S TOP 5 FITTEST CITIES and Washington, D.C. ranks #2!  Ranking is based upon fitness levels such as an area’s health behaviors, health care acces and community resources that support physical activity.  (American College of Sports Medicine)  Yes we are proud to be part of this community!

Next time I plan to expound upon these new trends.  My goal is to inform, educate and motivate you to be as healthy and youthful as you feel.  We can help you be your very best!

Steven Davison M.D. 558831_562149740482783_2107121592_n

Triple Board Certified Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

SLEEPING BEAUTY a Twilight Sleep for Painless Botox®, Juvederm, Radiesse, Sculptra and much more!


You go to sleep relaxed and comfortable and wake up Beautiful!      422034_361059640591795_1455869254_n

Many of my patients love the many age-defying procedures I can offer them today, and even though Nora and I are specially trained and certified expert injectors, there is still some discomfort with an injection, period!  My patients hate the discomfort that goes along with many of the treatments I offer, such as Juvederm, Botox, Sculptra and Radiesse injectables. There is a remedy for this too…read on.


I began offering “sleeping beauty” twilight sleep option to my patients a few years ago.  It means you are totally relaxed and comfortable during your entire procedure.

TWILIGHT SLEEP is safe, simple, painless and relaxing!

 Performed in our accredited Operating Room, Twilight sleep, or light sedation, involves an IV in the back of the hand, which puts you into a relaxed state, without the risks associated with general anesthesia.  This allows for a faster recovery since you breathe on your own during the procedure, and you can wake up quickly without that “hung over” feeling. When you wake up, like Sleeping Beauty in the Fairy Tale story…you really do feel rejuvenated and beautiful!


Now that it’s been used for a few years and is tried and proven safe and effective,  Sleeping Beauty sedation is the sedation of choice today and is used not only for injections, but for other simple cosmetic procedures as well.  Be sure to request it for your next treatment.

ANTI AGING… A PRIMARY CONCERN of GENERATION Y  shutterstock_80224243-1

It’s true, women in the United States aged 25-34 are now beginning to pay more attention to the signs of aging.  They are also actively looking for treatments and products to effectively address their concerns.  Results tell us that 39% of these women understand the importance of starting anti aging treatments early and they are doing so.  They are concerned with skin health such as spots and blotches, oily skin, dry skin and ways to correct these issues.  They also don’t like the early signs of lines and wrinkles and seek ways to prevent them.  Overall,  Gen Y women want to combat aging and are willing to start sooner rather than later.  They are seekers…we have remedies!  Generation Y men are close behind and feel cosmetic procedures are part of their normal health routine and job security.


They offer quick results with minimal downtime.  Here’s how we use them:

  • Hyaluronic acid fillers and collagen stimulators for…cheeks, temples and jawline
  • Hyaluronic acid and fat injections to correct nasolabial folds
  • Hyaluronic acid to plump the lips and restore their youthful shape and beauty
  • Neurotoxins (Botox etc) to tone down muscle activity that creates lines/wrinkles
  • Injectable fillers as wrinkle plumpers for a “liquid facelift” and natural looking results
  • Collagen stimulators (Radiesse and Sculptra) to restore long lasting volume and fullness  (often done in combo in fillers)
  • Understanding the complex facial anatomy is key to knowing what to use, how much to use and where to use it.  At DAVinci we are highly skilled and specially trained as expert injectors.   The results are beautiful!

At DAVinci, our main concern is what concerns you!  Come in and let’s chat so we can help you look and feel your very best!  You will be ready for the Holidays if you start now.

Best to you and yours,

Steven Davison M.D.   558831_562149740482783_2107121592_n

Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Rising Demand for Female Genital (V Zone) Surgeries

Well, this topic is no longer taboo and the rising demand for female genital cosmetic and functional procedures continues to steadily rise.  One west coast surgeon reported that “with less hair there is more attention down there!”   shutterstock_17498569

BRAZILIAN WAXING and VAGINAL AREA CONSCIOUSNESS   Since the advent of Brazilian body waxing, particularly in the FemGen Zone, women are much more conscious of their personal appearance.  They prefer a clean look with no pubic hair and no dangling labia minora!  (Dr. Hamori, Duxbury, MA)

I’ve written about this area of aesthetic/functional surgery before, but the new data and surge in interest begs an update on this once sensitive, taboo topic.  Still sensitive but no longer taboo!  A brief update:

FEMALE GENITAL NIPS and TUCKS … Today we offer a wide range of procedures beyond the traditional vaginal rejuvenation procedures such as those used to tighten vaginal muscles.  These include: 

  • Nips and Tucks for women of all ages and stages
  • All procedures are very commonplace today
  • Labia minora (inner lips) trimmed
  • Labia majora (outer lips) reduced in length
  • Labia majora injected with fat/fillers to enhance shape and sensitivity
  • Pubic Mons contouring
  • Reducing Clitoral Hood
  • Revision surgeries for correction and beautification

“Plastic surgery was developed to improve the quality of life and that includes the female vaginal area.”


Compiled Survey results indicate that women feel having a harmonious vaginal area makes us feel better about ourselves and with our partners.  It affords more comfort during intimacy, it denotes youth and definitely increases sexual gratification.


Female Genital cosmetic surgery is a demanding surgical field and few surgeons are qualified and skilled enough to enter it.  Today, most of the aesthetic and functional genital complaints presented by female patients can be safely addressed/corrected.  Each year, as more women become educated on the issues and overcome the “taboos” complex, the numbers will continue to rise.  We are ramping up to meet the demands with increased education, symposiums and technology that can deliver outstanding results.  It is critical however, that you understand “not every surgeon is qualified to perform FemGen procedures period!”  Those specially trained and who understand the artistic nature and desired results women want include:   1) OB Gyns,  2) Plastic Surgeons, 3)  Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeons, 4) Urologists…sometimes.   Time and time again, surveys and patients satisfaction has told us that Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive surgeons are their first choice.
REVISION SURGERIES  are very common today because many surgeries are performed by the hands of unqualified doctors/surgeons.  Please choose carefully and “know before you go” who your surgeon really is.


Other names for these procedures include:  Designer Vagina, VZone Enhancement, VAginoplasty, Labioplasty, Hymenoplasty, Labia Surgery and others.


  • Difficulty with personal hygeine  (toilet paper sticking)
  • Discomfort with tight clothing
  • Pain while riding a bike or during sports
  • Labia catching in zippers
  • Painful intercourse due to hypertrophy or the labia minora
  • Lack of symmetry
  • Chronic irritation
  • Should be age 18 or older and sexually mature

BOOTOX EVENT OCTOBER 4.   Don’t miss this special event and the special deals being offered!    See our Facebook page for more details.

Fall is here.  Are you ready for the upcoming Holidays?  Let’s chat.

37448_132929880071440_6003317_nSteven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

“DAVinci….where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

The Perfect Body and Cultural Perceptions

shutterstock_76782826For Americans the “perfect body” includes big breasts, a small waist, a sexy butt and being fat free…for men and women. Europeans are obsessed with being dimple free…no cellulite period!  Asians prefer smaller breasts and butts but demand long, slim legs. Brazilians gave us the Brazilian ButtLift…curvy buttocks and also voluptuous Big Breasts. Perceptions vary between countries.

US CLOTHING and SOCIETY influences the plastic surgery trend. 1)  Cleavage baring tops (shirts, blouses etc) are a primary factor in breast surgeries.  2) Curvaceous butts thighs sought by American celebrities forced the surge in “Brazilian Butt Lifts”.  First Lady Michelle Obama’s Arm Lift became an inspiration for women of all colors to get their arms toned and in shape with Arm Lift surgery.

TOP SURGERIES WORLDWIDE  Breast Implants,  Leg Refining ProceduresButt AugmentationsCellulite reduction.  In 2011, Mexico led the charge among the top 5 countries worldwide with 800,000 cosmetic procedures.  America led the way with the obsession for “bigger is better” breasts and the most Breast Augmentations (Http://  Younger women want more on top while mature women and post pregnancy Moms want restored fullness.  The Best Butt for American Jeans is  the Braziliain Butt Lift and their trend for a perfectly proportioned backside with curves in all the right places!  American women love it and proved it with a 60% increase in Butt Augmentations during 2012, using their own body fat and Implants to achieve the right size and shape buttocks.

PERFECT BODY... Americans are obsessed with the breasts and being fat free..a narrow waist.  Breast Augmentations, Liposuction with Fat Grafting/Transplanting and Butt Augmentations have been the top choices for a few years now.  Men are also into sexier, fuller butts and get Butt Augmentations to fill out their pants.

EUROPEAN OBSESSIONS are about “NO CELLULITE…Period!”  All Europeans want to be dimple free with a natural looking body that looks as if it could be had easily with a healthy diet and a steady workout regimen. Many of the world’s top cosmetic procedures are born in Europe and after being proven they migrate to other places like the US.

ASIANS SEEK SLIM, TRIM, PETITE AESTHETICS   South Korea ranks #7 for women having plastic surgery before age 50, during 2011.  Their #1 obsession is super skinny, bulk free legs (Radish Legs). They clamor for long slim calves void of heavy looking muscles.  Small Breasts is their other ideal.  If they choose breast enlargement, they want only miniscule increase in size.  Breast implants, however are seeing a major advancement in Japan for reconstructive surgeries, a challenge that Japanese surgeons are overcoming as they get up to speed on the products and procedures.

BRAZILIAN SHAPE = CURVY + VOLUPTUOUS…Brazil’s #1 obsession is Full Perky Breasts and perfectly round buttocks.  They are obsessed with plastic surgery to make sure they have curves in all the right places by having Butt implants and fat augmentation  as well as large breast implants and breast lifts.  Many Brazilian women are naturally blessed with all the curves they desire, but plastic surgery is a major trend for those who are not so blessed.  My website educates you on all these procedures and many more that I offer:

At DAVinci Plastic Surgery, I offer “Premium” procedures that  patients travel from around the world to have me perform because….I’m Board Certified, Highly Qualified, Well Experienced and have a host of happy patients…around the world.  I help people put their best self forward!

Best to You and Yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

“DAVinci….where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”


Often patients ask me: “Do I need a facelift?”  Couples are having surgery together...

Besides not liking the visible age related changes when looking into the mirror, some valuable guidelines can help determine when it’s time for a surgical facelift. Unwelcome Visible signs of facial aging include: lines, wrinkles, deep etched grooves, hollow cheeks and sunken eyes, thin sagging skin, a poorly defined neck/jawline often with “Turkey Wobble”, sagging eyelids and undereye bags and more.  These are the conditions that send men and women to plastic/cosmetic surgeons for a facelift, if injectables and other mini treatments are not appropriate.

AGING and YOUR FACIAL SHAPE:  Each shape affects how a face will age.

  • OVAL FACE … will experience hollowing at the temples and in the cheeks due to fat loss.  Fillers can correct this if started early enough and if needed a Mid-Facelift corrects sagging.
  • ROUND FACE…Cheeks and lower face tend to sag.  A lower Facelift addresses this while fat or fillers resculpt the hollow cheeks.
  • RECTANGULAR OR SQUARE FACE…usually loose skin and sagging jowls are the most prominent issues.  A Traditional Facelift is usually the best option to effectively correct this extensive aging.
  • HEART SHAPED FACE…aging appears first in the forehead and upper eyes. The high cheek bones of heart shaped faces tend to age slower than in square faces  with flat cheekbones.

WHAT ABOUT SURGERY AT AN EARLY AGE?  The trend for the past decade has shifted;  people are getting cosmetic procedures sooner, some at the first signs of aging, rather than later when more extensive work is needed to restore youthfulness.  Celebrities have been teaching us for decades that starting with small procedures early can slow down the appearance of aging and…keep you younger looking always!  Seniors, Boomers and Generation Xer’s are starting mini procedures in their 30’s, with periodic maintenance, and more as needed in their 40’s and no later than 50’s.  Visit my website to peruse the many anti aging options available: HTTP//

STARTING EARLY LEADS TO BETTER, LONGER LASTING RESULTS.  It allows patients to look fresher and younger from the improvement made now rather than dealing with greater aging challenges later in life.  They are getting facelifts along with fillers and Botox and are “looking great!”

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW…BEFORE YOUR SURGERY  –  1) Realistic expectations are essential!  Don’t expect to look 20 if you are 50.  The goal of surgery, in particular, is to  make you look refreshed, more youthful and to fix laxity, hollows etc. Know that a facelift does not always eliminate every single line and wrinkle.   2) Scars are inevitable in spite of our refined techniques and precision instruments.  But, I hide them so often they are not visible while they fade away or blend in.   3)  There is some “downtime.”  For traditional facelift surgery plan on 2-3 weeks before resuming normal activities.  Each case is different, but that’s a reasonable norm. It can take a few months for all swelling to resolve and for your facelift to really settle in.   4)  Learn what can and cannot be fixed/corrected.  The consultation is critical for arriving at an honest understanding of my patient’s concerns, goals and expectations. I believe in educating them as to their options and outcomes.

So if when you look into the mirror you see lines, wrinkles and deeply etched grooves, sagging skin, sunken eyes, loss of facial volume, changing jawline, disappearing neckline and chin…let’s talk about your options sooner rather than later!

Best to You and Yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”


shutterstock_91754579A SERIOUS LEVEL OF SKILL IS REQUIRED TO PERFORM INJECTABLE TREATMENTS and to GET BEAUTIFUL, DESIRABLE RESULTS. These are experts and are qualified to give injectable treatments:  Board Certified Plastic Surgeons; Facial Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists or Oculoplastic Surgeons, specially trained RN’s, CRN’s or PA’s who work directly under a surgeons supervision.  The KEY WORDs to look for in their advertising is:  Specially Trained Expert Injector.   These people have specialized training, are certified in injectables of every kind and have a vast knowledge base of their best uses, the risks involved, their history and much more.

PEOPLE NOT QUALIFIED TO PERFORM INJECTABLE TREATMENTS: include aestheticians, hair stylists, cosmetologists, dentists or medical professionals who have not been specifically trained to use today’s injectables. They are not Expert Injectors.

TRUST YOUR DOCTOR’S OFFICE:  The only place you should get injectable treatments performed is in your doctor’s/surgeon’s office or Medi-Spa within that office under the physician’s direct supervision.  DO NOT GET INJECTABLES AT YOUR LOCAL SPA or SALON!  They are not qualified nor medically equipped for routine injections or for emergencies in cases of injury or health complications.  They are not required to follow medically defined sterility and health standards and they are not supervised by an on site doctor who is responsible, trained and experienced.  HTTP://

INJECTABLES DO PREVENT LINES and WRINKLES and LIFT SAGGING SKIN…Today’s injectables are truly amazing and they do achieve results either instantly or gradually and subtly.

BOTOX®  is the well known “denerving agent” used to smooth out existing lines and to prevent future ones.  FDA approved in 2002, Botox works by relaxing/paralyzing the muscles in motion that create smile lines, forehead lines, parentheses between the eyes and Botox, (Botulinum Toxin Type A) has been used therapeutically since the early 1950’s for treating spasms, uncontrollable blinking and  much more and today successfully treats chronic Migraine Headaches, excessive sweating etc. and is a leader in cosmetic anti aging treatments.

HYALURONIC ACIDS:  HA is a naturally occurring body substance that declines with aging.  Similar to a sponge, HA attracts and binds to water to keep the skin hydrated and well contoured.  Hyaluronic acid fills in the spaces between collagen and elastin fibers.  Replacing it with injectable treatments means putting back into your body a substance natural to and recognized by the body…it’s accepted, works well and restores youthfulness!  Juvederm, Perlane and Restylane are top choices to replace depleted Hyaluronic Acid.

COLLAGEN BOOSTERS:  These provide long lasting results while stimulating your own collagen production.  Sculptra offers results often lasting up to 24 months and is excellent for filling in hollow cheeks, under eye hollows, nasolabial folds, thin lips and is used in combination with Restylane e.g. to create smoothness around the eye and tear troughs. RADIESSE also is very popular as a collagen booster and provides long lasting results while your own collagen is renewed.

FAT GRAFTING/FAT INJECTIONS using your own body…when injected into targeted areas, plumps up, restores contour, fills in hollows and rejuvenates an aging face, hollow hands and more.  It’s natural, with no risk of rejection or reaction.  Results are subtle and continue over time.

BOTTOM LINE ON INJECTABLES:  We help you decide your best choices to achieve more volume, lifting, to banish lines and wrinkles and to restore a more youthful look!



Steven Davison, M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”


jan2012MINI FACELIFT was the topic of my last blog and the NECKLIFT is commonly married to it. As I said in the last blog, the “Mini procedures” are here to stay, they are refined, perfected and chosen by hosts of people every year in their war against aging.

NECKLIFT REFINEs THE NECK by removing years of visible aging to restore a more refreshed, balanced, younger appearance.  By removing excess, loose and sagging skin and fat, we can lift the skin, tighten muscles if needed and “recontour” the neck less invasively than with a full blown Necklift.  The Benefits:  Mini Necklift eliminates small amounts of saggy skin/fat and redefines angles from the chin to the neck. Refining the neck freshens the face also.  The Limitations:  Neckbands may still be present and Jowls may not be addressed adequately with a Mini Necklift.  It is important that your surgeon educate you well so you can make the right choice.  Mini Necklifts are the perfect solution for many people.  Remember they are “mini.”

ABOUT THE AGING NECK   The neck is frequently the area of facial aging that is a dead give away as to your true age!  When loose skin, sagging neckbands (Turkey Waddle) and a poorly defined neckline become visibly obvious, we may be perceived as older than we are.

MINI NECKLIFT:  1) WHO IT’S FOR:  younger people with small amounts of fat under the chin and whose skin is fairly elastic, not too saggy and not overly laden with thick neckbands.  (your surgeon will know)  2) ANESTHESIA:  usually local or IV Sedation,  3) LENGTH OF SURGERY:  about 3 hours,  4)  RECOVERY:  7 to 10 days required to rest, begin healing and allow for swelling and bruising to begin resolving.  You may need to wear a neck or chin “bra” to support the surgery and apply mild compression to the operated area.  5)  RESULTS …your results generally last 5 to 10 years.  Each individual is different but this is a good norm.  A full blown necklift is usually done with a Facelift and uses incisions behind the ears and sometimes under the chin. With a Mini Necklift, a Fecelift is not always done and sometimes just contouring the fat using liposuction along with some skin removal is enough to achieve the results the patient desires.

See my Website for complete information on all the procedures I offer.  HTTP://

FIVE SIGNS of an AGING FACE – These are the issues that you can see when looking into the mirror.  They are the top signs of facial aging:  1)  DEEP WRINKLES of the face and neck,  2) A TIRED APPEARANCE,  3) POOR DEFINITION of the chin and sagging in the neck,  4)  JOWLS and DEEP CREASES found around the nose and mouth,  5)  LOSS of MUSCLE TONE and REDUCED SKIN ELASTICITY.  The best time to start anti aging treatments is before they are needed or at least as the first signs of aging appear.  We’ve learned from Hollywood celebrities how to keep looking younger always.  The Key:  start age defying treatments early and continue them on a regular basis to eliminate problems, restore health and youthfulness and to keep looking several years younger….always.

SURGERY IS OFTEN COMBINED WITH NON INVASIVE OPTIONS.  More often than not, people choose to have  2 or more treatments in tandem such as Mini Facelift with restorative Injectables or Fat Grafting for volume replacement and recontouring. We have many amazing options for you.  All safe.  All effective.

Next time I’ll blog about Mini Eye Procedures.  Check back often.

Best to you and yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”